jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015


In this unit we have learned a schedule, which is a very important function in the computer.
Scratch we have done several  activities, but to me what I liked most was the F.

Constituted make a series of simple steps in the qual animal painting had to move its route by an F it`s very funnny

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

CALC program of LibreOffice

This is a program you can use to to calculate, do charts and many other things.I



Digital audio

In this unit we learned to use audicity.
We have done many activitieswith this program.
It's a great program, very good and very efficient.

I leave her my final activity 

jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2014

Margarate Hamilton the Pioneer of Computers

Margaret Hamilton was the lead software engineer for Project Apollo.

It had long been tradition that operating calculating machines was “women’s work”; it was thought to be just keypunching, like typing.

The bias that “women do the mere programming” extended into the early days of the computer, and it meant that many of the earliest and most pioneering programmers were women

Margaret Hamilton earned her BA in math from Earlham College, but obviously learned about programming on the job
This is a great photo I just ran across on the internets. It said it was “Margaret Hamilton, Apollo program”, but it didn’t say who Margaret Hamilton was.